Db Fighterz Auto Combos Continue on Whiff

No one forces you to use auto combo so why it bothers you? If you are an old school player of fighting games you would know that they are not optimal and you have to learn manual combo.

Auto combo is there to attract players that like DB but never played fighting games so they can enjoy the game.


2 Oct, 2018 @ 6:24am

When you hold back, your attacks don't string into Autocombos, so you can spam jabs all day everyday. There is no way to stop your opponent from using auto combos.

It wouldn't be good to turn them off because autocombos can contain unique normals that are good to use in real combos.

In Tekken 7 and Killer Instinct you can turn off auto combos...

Originally posted by ZOMBIE 999 TP:

I heard this game have auto combos, and i'm an old school player of this kind of games and don't like the idea. Is possible to turn that off in the options?

You cant, but they are easilly avoided as long as you dont spam 1 button.
X or Y both get you an auto

Originally posted by ZOMBIE 999 TP:

I heard this game have auto combos, and i'm an old school player of this kind of games and don't like the idea. Is possible to turn that off in the options?

The L auto combo is a unique normal string that's whiff-cancellable(like in 3D fightin games), so it has it's uses. The M auto-combo is just a horribly unoptimized M>M>Special>Super, so you don't need to worry about that. Holding back prevents auto combos when you just want to link.

For newbie autoombos are tempting way to deal some extra damage.
However if you are more advanced player you will find that autocombos starting from given combo starting move are leading to less damage than you can get from manual combo.

How the game AI behaves vs the player auto combos in singleplayer?

Originally posted by ZOMBIE 999 TP:

I heard this game have auto combos, and i'm an old school player of this kind of games and don't like the idea. Is possible to turn that off in the options?

No, they are an integral part of the game and gives some unique moves to players that can't be done without those auto combos.

Originally posted by ZOMBIE 999 TP:

I heard this game have auto combos, and i'm an old school player of this kind of games and don't like the idea. Is possible to turn that off in the options?

Even if you could it wouldnt be good idea.
Auto combos can be implemented into manual combos because they allow you to do unique moves + even if given autocombo consists of mmoves you can exacute manually sometimes in the air they canot be connected manually but autocombo version repositions your character a little.

If you are combo lover fear not! Nobody will deal as much damage as you do with manual combos using solely auto's.

My main concern is how the game AI behaves against the aunto combos, if the AI don't have a good deffence against them, it might ruin the game.

AI is quite pathetic. At higher difficulty levels I feel it improves a little but is more dangerous mainly due to huge improvement of damage.
If you want to play this game against AI everybody who tired it and didnt became fanboy or liar will tell you that you are wasting your life.
Even old T3 had more entertaining vs AI matches.


3 Oct, 2018 @ 12:46pm

The AI doesn't have a good defense against anything. If you plan to get this game for it's Singleplayer aspects, you're in for a bad time.

Originally posted by Bartholomäus Bingobert:

The AI doesn't have a good defense against anything. If you plan to get this game for it's Singleplayer aspects, you're in for a bad time.

Story mode is less exciting than MvCI + forces you to grind against local version of trash mobs from WoW instance/raid.

Last edited by strike478; 3 Oct, 2018 @ 12:48pm


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/678950/discussions/0/2656452469270101310/

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